


2024 Fall NKUHT Admitted Foreign Students of Application (list 2)

yes113學年度(2024)秋季班外國學生錄取名單(第二梯次) yes

1. 如欲接受錄取,請於2024年5月30日前線上填寫「報到通知單暨入學意願書」。連絡電話為+886-7-8060505分機17201(國際事務處國際學生事務組)
If you intend to accept your offer of admission, you must complete the online "Admission Acceptance Form" and email it to intnkuht@live.nkuht.edu.tw before May 30, 2024. (Contact information: +886-7-8060505, ext. 17201,  International Student Affairs Section of International Affairs Office). https://forms.gle/PG5f8PjRQECiCKSB6

2. 備取生請等候通知,正取生放棄錄取資格後,本校會立即通知錄取事宜。
For wait-listed applicants, please wait for further notification from NKUHT; in the event that admitted applicants decline their offer, NKUHT will present you with an offer based on availability.

3. 本校預定開學日為2024年9月9日,本校將於8月底前另行寄發註冊須知。 
The estimated semester begins on September 9, 2024; NKUHT will send the Notes on Student Registration by the end of August. 

4. 於申請入學資料中,未檢附經過驗證之學歷證件或歷年成績單者,請於簡章規定期限內繳交,否則取消入學資格,不得異議。 
For those who are unable to submit their verified documents during the application period, please submit the required documents before the deadline, in order to ensure that the offer of admission will not be revoked.

※注意事項: 國際事務處將於113/6/7(五)後陸續寄發錄取通知函予錄取新生,請各位新生留意,謝謝

► 聯絡窗口
國際事務處 國際學生事務組

行政專員 辜俞敏
Tel:(07)806-0505 #17201
