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Scholarship specifications and regulations are subject to change.
新生申請 New Students
NKUHT provides scholarships for new foreign students with great performance, and there are different scholarships offered for undergraduate, master and doctoral courses. Please refer to the following table to check the type of scholarships.
大學部Undergraduate |
1. 學雜費全免獎學金 Tuition and miscellaneous fees waived |
2. 學雜費半免獎學金 Half of tuition and miscellaneous fees waived |
3. 住宿費全免獎學金 Dormitory fees waived |
4. 教學助理獎學金 Teaching Assistantship |
碩士班Master's |
1. 學雜費、學分費全免獎學金 |
2. 學雜費全免獎學金Tuition and miscellaneous fees waived |
3. 教學助理獎學金 Teaching Assistantship |
博士班Ph.D. |
1. 學雜費、學分費、住宿費全免獎學金 |
2. 學雜費、學分費全免獎學金 |
3. 教學助理獎學金 Teaching Assistantship |
If new students intend to apply for our scholarship, please submit the following documents when applying for NKUHT admission:
1. 獎學金申請表
Scholarship Application Form
2. 最高學歷之歷年成績單(有排名為佳)
Full Academic Transcript (one with class ranking is preferred)
二年級以上舊生申請 Present Students in 2nd year and above
大學部Undergraduate |
1. 獎學金20,000元 NT$20,000 dollars |
2. 獎學金15,000元 NT$15,000 dollars |
3. 獎學金10,000元 NT$10,000 dollars |
碩士班Master’s |
1. 獎學金30,000元 NT$30,000 dollars |
2. 獎學金24,000元 NT$24,000 dollars |
2. 獎學金20,000元 NT$20,000 dollars |
博士班Ph.D. |
1. 獎學金30,000元 NT$30,000 dollars |
2. 獎學金24,000元 NT$24,000 dollars |
2. 獎學金20,000元 NT$20,000 dollars |
From the Second Year, student who is enrolled for the new semester intend to apply for our scholarship, please submit the following documents before the commencement of each semester. Scholarships will be issued on a monthly basis with proof of payment.
1. 前二學期之成績單
Transcript of the previous two semesters
- 當資格皆符合受獎條件時,優先順序依1.學業平均成績。2.操行成績。3.班上排名,排定受獎名單。
If students meet all the scholarship criteria, the priority of receiving scholarships is determined according to the following: (1) academic GPA; (2) conduct grade; (3) class rank.
獎學金重要規定 Scholarship Regulations
For undergraduate program, the scholarship holder shall meet three criteria: (1) the academic average above 80; (2) the conduct grade above 80; (3) the student’s rank shall be in the top 50% of class ranking. For master and Ph.D. program, the scholarship holder shall meet three criteria: (1) the academic average above 85; (2) the conduct grade above 80; (3) the student’s rank shall be in the top 50% of class ranking. The scholarship will be cancelled on the following semester if the scholarship holder fails to achieve the standard, should the future performance meet the above criteria, the scholarship may be reapplied.
2. 受獎學生於受獎期間得由國際事務處安排進行校園之服務學習工作。
A scholarship holder, during the effect of the scholarship, may be arranged to provide voluntary services on campus by International Affairs Office. Please refer to the following table about details of voluntary services.
3. 大學部受獎學生於受獎期間需修習校內開設之華語課程(有華語文能力證明者例外)。
For undergraduate program, scholarship holders should take the Chinese courses offered on campus during the effect of the scholarship, except those with proof of Chinese language proficiency
4. 零學分之課程,不計入學業平均成績計算;實習成績及海外研修成績,不列入申請條件。
Courses with zero credits will not be included in the calculation of the GPA. The grades for internship and overseas study are not included in the application requirements
- 服務時數規定Hours required
學制 Degree |
服務時數規定 Hours required |
備註 Remarks |
新生 |
二年級以上舊生 |
服務活動包含: Voluntary service includes the following: (a)協助接待外國貴賓 Receive foreign guest. (b)協助招生粉絲團發佈系所活動資訊、本校外國學生招生資訊轉發 Assist to transfer foreign admission messages. (c)協助夏、冬令營活動 Assist summer camp or winter camp activities. (d)協助翻譯招生文宣及網站 Translate admission brochure and website in other languages. (e)協助外國學生報名審查資料確認 Confirm admission application data. (f)協助海外教育展招生解說 Assist in Education Fairs. (g)返國回母校招生宣傳 Hold admission briefing and sharing your experience at your school in your country (h)協助國際事務處庶務 Assist International Affairs Office (i) 其他臨時交辦事項 Others |
大學部 Undergraduate |
服務25小時 |
學雜費全免獎學金 A waiver of tuition and miscellaneous fees |
獎學金20,000元 NT$20,000 |
服務20小時 |
學雜費半免獎學金 A waiver of half of tuition and miscellaneous fees |
獎學金15,000元 NT$15,000 |
服務15小時 |
住宿費全免獎學金 A waiver of dormitory fees |
獎學金10,000元 NT$10,000 |
碩士 Master |
服務25小時 |
獎學金30,000元 NT$30,000 |
服務20小時 |
學雜費、學分費全免獎學金 A waiver of tuition and miscellaneous fees |
獎學金24,000元 NT$24,000 |
服務15小時 Voluntary service up to 15 hours |
學雜費全免獎學金 A waiver of tuition fees |
獎學金20,000元 NT$20,000 |
博士 Ph.D. |
服務25小時 |
獎學金30,000元 NT$30,000 |
服務20小時 |
學雜費、學分費、住宿費 全免獎學金 A waiver of tuition and miscellaneous fees as well as dormitory fees |
獎學金24,000元 NT$24,000 |
服務15小時 |
學雜費、學分費全免獎學金 A waiver of tuition and miscellaneous fees |
獎學金20,000元 NT$20,000 |